Roundup from the December Southwest Airlines Spirit magazine. (Which was thankfully captivating, there being no new SkyMall to which to turn.)


  • “Luxury” (as “Luxuy”, in large type on page 58)
  • “Remembrance” (as in “Pearl Harbor Rememberance Day,” page 126)

Arguable misspellingGoogleDamnit

  • “DAMMIT” (as “DAMNIT, page ??¹) 

Unexpected nonmisspelling

  • “memento” (as “memento”, page ??²)

Clichés (and other embarrassments) up the wazoo

Witness this small (trust me) sample from the literal surfeit in “Crowd Control,” a single article by Scott Steinberg, CEO of the “high-tech consulting firm TechSavvy Global,” who limited research suggests speaks and writes thus prolifically.³ The Spirit article wasn’t intended as humor or parody.

  • “bet the farm”
  • “field day”
  • “trust me”
  • au contraire
  • “dress for success”
  • “won’t be a cakewalk”
  • “make no mistake”
  • “weeding out the winners” [My personal favorite. –SK]
  • No matter how unique the idea, we’ll dress it for success.”
  • Even crappy concepts generate helpful response and criticism.”

Other funnies

I didn’t note the sources or page numbers of these other Spirit gems.

  • “(Though the Baltimore monument [to George Washington] is almost 400-feet shorter than the Washington monument in D.C., it’s actually 56 years older.)”
  • “reams of red tape” [A close second. –SK]
  • “When I watch Dr. Stern practice medicine, I am struck by how little it is like those medical shows on television. She doesn’t rush around with heart paddles and needles.”

¹ Despite the appearance of the jump line “Continued on page 108” on page 99, a dozen or so unnumbered pages (presumably including page 108) immediately and consecutively followed the page bearing the number 101. The first numbered page thereafter bore page number 114. “Page ??” refers to one of these unnumbered pages, though not always the same one.

² See previous footnote.

³ The quoted description of TechSavvy Global was copied from something on the internet. TechSavvy Global’s actual website rather roundly and soundly belies the description. (Remarkably, even the blue underlined email address on the home page is not a link.)