Yesterday, the Italian postal service misprocessed a bunch of ATM and credit card transactions. Specifically, the virgola was shifted two places, appending two zeros to the transaction amount. There’s no telling exactly how this happened, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it had something—if not everything—to do with localization in one way or another. In Italy, a comma (virgola), not a period, precedes a number’s decimal part, but software might see things otherwise.

Some software interprets number strings according to the operating system localization (unless overridden). Other software ignores the OS localization. SQL Server’s CAST operator, for example, only accepts a period as the decimal separator, and it disregards commas in strings intended to represent numbers.

At least it does this as of 2005; previous versions followed a complicated set of rules in an attempt to disallow numbers that weren’t valid in the U.S., India, or China. In India (ones, thousands, lakhs, crore, thousand crore, lakhs crore, etc.), digit groups bounce between two and three digits, and 1,234,56,70,000.0 is a valid number. In China (yi1, wan4, yi4, wan4 yi4, etc.), it would be 123,4567,0000.0. Interpreting human-readable representations of numbers is no simple task. Explaining the issue isn’t much easier.

In all versions of SQL Server, this happens regardless of language or culture settings.

select cast('115,00' as money) as TooMuch;


[From Slashdot, noting]